Sunday, December 16, 2007

Most Dangerous City?

Kids, I think we sort of accidentally moved to the nation's most dangerous city. Well, that's what the rankings say and the rankings must be right. Here is the link to an NPR story that discusses it in a little more detail. The gist of the story is that these rankings are particularly flawed for cities in the East because the true metro area is much larger than the confines of the actual city, and so if you added the much safer suburbs, the rankings would change. I don't know what all of this means, because Lisa & I lived in New York for many years and the worst that happened was that somebody smashed Lisa's car window (but didn't take anything). Since we moved to Boston, our cars have been broken into 3 times and Lisa was mugged at knifepoint. Here is a link to Detroit Public Radio's show about the report. Crime rates certainly mean something, but I go to the West Bank once a year and I always feel safe there. I wonder how they did in the rankings.

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