Thursday, January 3, 2008

Its Good to Move!

OK, I have to admit - we've been here for 10 days now and I am starting to freak. My children seem resilient, but I am starting to wonder what the @%$# we were thinking. The school district we moved to has a lot of diversity, in that virtually every luxury automobile is represented, and people are still lighting up their cigarettes in restaurants (except in my neighborhood, where i haven't seen that many people). My children seem so happy and yet I know that they miss their friends and that just breaks my heart. I know I moved at this age and that it was good for me, but my kids had a really special situation in Brookline, in that their friends' parents were all friends, so they had a COMMUNITY. Crap, I'm really too old to still be learning lessons. I found an article that says its good to move. Its not a scientific study, but I'll take what I can get. It is good, isn't it? ISN'T IT?!

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